
Every market fit with difference cloutank series

Hi cloupor fans:

How is you christmas day ? Wish all of you have happy holiday.

Today,we are discussed no matter where you market in,
there are products fit in your market.

If your market in EU, I suppose cloutank c1 will better for you.
Because it has huge vapor and vaping smoothly with liquid.
although there are some guys in this area like dry herbal vaporise.
So you can consider cloutank M3, it's for dry herbal.

If your market in US and your costomers like mariguana device,
so cloutank M2 and cloutank M3 is your best choice.
cloutank M2 for wax,cloutank M3 for dry herbal.
We are tested on the market, cloutank M2 and cloutank M3 have very good
feedback from North America.

So is there any reason hesitate ?

cloupor are waiting you.

